The form of the Divine Office implemented on this site conforms to the 2003 Book of Divine Worship, produced for Roman Catholics in Pastoral Provision parishes in the United States. Based on the 1979 U.S. Book of Common Prayer of The Episcopal Church, it was never used except in the United States. When the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter was established in 2012, use of the BDW was phased out.
The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter has developed a new edition of The Divine Office which, although it uses some elements of the 1979 BCP, is more closely aligned to the 1928 and 1662 books. It has been submitted to the Vatican for approval. While advance copies of the full divine office are not available, the website implements a very close approximation to the proposal, and will be kept up to date as the approval process continues.