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Treasury of Christian Knowledge

The Seven Sacraments

  1. Holy Baptism (Mark 16:16 & Matt. 28:19-20)
  2. Holy Eucharist (I Cor. 11:23-29)
  3. Ordination (Matt. 16:16; John 20:22)
  4. Confirmation (Acts 8:14-17)
  5. Confession (John 20:21-23)
  6. Matrimony (Matt. 19:3-6)
  7. Unction (James 5:14-15)

The Sevenfold Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  1. Wisdom
  2. Understanding
  3. Counsel
  4. Knowledge
  5. Ghostly Strength
  6. Holy Fear
  7. True Godliness

The Godly Virtues

  1. Faith
  2. Hope
  3. Charity
  4. Prudence
  5. Justice
  6. Fortitude
  7. Temperance

The Seven Deadly Sins

  1. Pride
  2. Covetousness
  3. Lust
  4. Envy
  5. Gluttony
  6. Anger
  7. Sloth

The Seven Acts of Corporal Mercy

Matt. 25: 31-46

  1. Feeding the hungry
  2. Giving drink to the thirsty
  3. Clothing the naked
  4. Giving lodging to the stranger
  5. Visiting the sick
  6. Visiting the imprisoned
  7. Burying the dead

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy

  1. Converting the Sinner
  2. Instructing the Ignorant
  3. Counseling the Doubtful
  4. Comforting the Sorrowful (Luke 7:11-16)
  5. Bearing Wrongs Patiently (I Peter 2)
  6. Forgiving Injuries (Lord’s Prayer)
  7. Praying for the Living and the Dead (I Peter 3)